LOCATION – Glendearg Tennis Club, Malvern

CLIENT – City of Stonnington

BUILDER – 4 Dimensions Builders

DESIGN & INSTALL – Fytogreen Australia

COMPLETION – December 2014

Adorning the back of a pavilion at the car entrance of the tennis club, this greenwall turns a stark access area into a fresh greenspace.

Facing a westerly aspect, this wall receives afternoon sun. Fytogreen used 15 species and 288 plants in a range of colours and leaf shapes, ensuring that a variety of looks can be seen with every season.

Additional benefits to the area are a reduction of reflected heat and echo for the parking area and back of the neighboring childcare center, while also providing a beautiful garden aesthetic in what was a bland standard brick wall.

The Florafelt by Fytogreen greenwall system covers 12m2 and uses 24 x F12 pre grown panels.